We had several volunteers! 
It was great to meet Dina Gregory, former Navasotan, now a professional artist living in Glen Rose, Texas.  She was very excited to be able to put her contribution on the wall.

Dina Gregory

The north end of the mural
Julia D. Owen

Three Local Blues legends: Texas Alexander, Blind Willie Johnson & Tom Shaw

The south end of the mural 

The mural takes on almost spiritual atmosphere in the evening when the reflections begin to rise up the wall...

The huge window "sparkles" add a special drama to the artwork... as these fortuitous spotlights grow slowly up the wall...

Local country artists Jerry Jericho and his nephew, Johnny Bush 

Big Lu Valeny & Los Muchachos

Milt Larkin & L.C. Williams were born here... Lightnin' Hopkins spent time out at the Moore Farm... Nat Dove is from Mumford on up the Brazos west of Bryan.

For a few moments, the old cotton gin in the cotton field is even in the spotlight...

1 comment:

  1. Nat Dove memorialized in Texas Blues Mural

    Nat Dove, director of the Bryan Texas Blues Festival has been memorialized in a mural that features many of the true legends of Texas Blues music. Navasota has been known as the capital of Texas Blues for many years. The city has shared its official designation with the surrounding areas. The annual Navasota Blues Fest is a tradition. Just as in days of old, each year in August people come from miles around to hear the Texas Blues performed by true Texas musicians. Long before all of the wannabes decided that this music was of any significant value as an art form.
    Nat Dove, along with many other African American musicians of the 1950s, recognized the genius of this unique music and went on to dedicate their lives to the propagation of the genre. The Brazos river, and in turn the Brazos valley was the ideal breeding ground for this music. The political, social and economic conditions were perfect to spawn this music. Texas Blues music spoke a practical expression of survival. The Blues was always prevalent in the cultures of the communities along the Brazos River. The cathartic and soul healing qualities of Blues was very much-admired in these communities.
    This mural celebrates some of the essence of American history and documents the cultural gift this country has given to the world. Blues music is the first world music and the most interactive, adaptive music of the 20th century.
